Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Serious or Not

I've been thinking about starting a Techish blog for a while. I read/listen to a lot of tech news and I think that I could do some writing about it. I guess that I'll talk about some of my history. I came to Toledo to study Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Toledo. I used to be involved with the ACM(Association for Computing Machinery), got to be their Chairman, vice-chair for a couple of years during that time I got to see it's decline but I can talk about that some other time. I'm currently working in Toledo as a Jack of all Trades Information Technology Specialist. I dabble in a lot of things from Web Programming/design, SQL Server Administration, Desktop support, telephone systems, Mail Server Administration etc...

I like to complain that there isn't any tech in Toledo, I know it's wrong so I'm going to see if there is some way for me to uncover those out there that love tech around here as much as I do and what they are doing.

I'm kind of doing this on a whim so sorry if it starts off kind of shaky. Also I'm moving into a house so there may be spans between posts... Buying a house kind of made me think more about this town as a permanent residence so I may as well write about it.

Talk to you soon.


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