In my travels back and forth from work lately I've been noticing a lot of demolition. In the picture that I snapped they were knocking down a building behind Sanger Branch Library. I think it was a school or something.
Along my route to work I noticed 2 different buildings get knocked down. One a Grave marker seller or something and an old bar or store. Hopefully these are developments happening rather than just buildings falling apart.
I also noticed in the old west end quite a few houses that either were damaged or caught fire that look like they have been boarded up and probably will get knocked down eventually. It seems like a shame since many of those houses are beautiful Victorians.
Also there is the destruction of the old Jeep Plant. It looks like they have gotten rid of a lot of that. And as some of you know they are leaving one of the smoke stacks up as a reminder of the old factory.
You also have the demolition of the old arena and the demolition of the old Club Bijou who moved out to Byrne from their old N. Superior location for the new arena. Which you can see the progress of the construction of the new Arena here. I'm looking forward to this Arena I think that it will help liven up the downtown scene a little. Plus I have a passing interest in hockey.
Eventually there will be the demolition of the buildings that are along the river on the East Side of the River near Downtown for the Marina District.
I just thought that it was interesting how many buildings have been demolished lately. Some for progress some we will have to see about.
Update: I found an article on "The Blade's" web site. That covered the same thing. Turns out one of the buildings was a motorcycle bar. Link