Monday, July 13, 2009

RGP Tech Connect Event

RGP Tech Connect is a networking event that the Regional Growth Partnership throws every once in a while. If you want to meet other tech entrepreneurs in the area this is a great opportunity.

The Glass Pavilion at the

Toledo Museum of Art

2445 Monroe St.Toledo,

Ohio 43620

Thursday, July 29
5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.This is a free event, including free parking, with complimentary hors d'oeuvres and cash bar available

TECHCONNECT is Northwest Ohio's premier networking opportunity for entrepreneurs and technology companies. This program will feature presentations from entrepreneurs showcasing their paths to success and the programs and services which helped lead the way.TECHCONNECT is dedicated to enhancing Northwest Ohio's entrepreneurial technology spirit by connecting entrepreneurs and researchers with business owners, service providers, and representatives from the financial sector-connecting minds, motivation, and money!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Last night there was held a tweet-up. It was held that the 20 N. Gallery in downtown Toledo. There was music, art, tattooing, chocolate, poetry and some great people. The event was organized by Mark Pannell @7son75, Ken Thompson @kongslide , and @8thLopez

Here's a link to some of the goings on at the party.

@Kongslide's Flickr Photos: Link

Photo by @Drintlemann: Link

Here is the live video broadcast of the event: Link

Also there is a series of Qik videos that Mark took in his stream. Link

For more information about the local community building group, Toleeps Join them at Ning.

Great event Looking forward to the next event these guys throw.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mud Hens Tweetup

The Toledo Twitter users are getting together again. They are meeting at the Mud Hens Field. You can check out info and buy tickets on the Mud Hens website They offer a discount if you tell them your twitter name. So if you want to socialise with with really cool people in the Design, Social Media, and Tech in the Toledo area and see some great baseball check it out.

Jewels and Trains Coming to Toledo

Ruby on Rails is another web based programming language much like ASP and PHP. Some developers and designers are forming a group around the programming language. They will be meeting once a month they are still working out the details. But if you would be interested in learning a new programming language and or meeting some people in the area then check them out their Google group page at .

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Lucas County Library: Teen Tech

Lucas County Library branches will be holding events throughout the week of March 8-14th to interact with teens about technology.  Here is a listing of the events that are going on at some of the branches throughout the week.

Birmingham Branch Library, 203 Paine Ave.
Technical Teens (Th) March 12, 4 p.m.
Grades 5-12
Technically, how good are you with technology? Join us for a Teen Tech Week celebration using some of the latest technology.

Heatherdowns Branch Library, 3265 Glanzman Rd.
RuneScape (Th) March 12, 4 - 5 p.m. 
Grades 6-12
Celebrate Teen Tech Week by joining us in the Heatherdowns Computer Lab for an hour of uninterrupted RuneScape action. Open to the first 10 participants.

Holland Branch Library, 1032 S. McCord Rd.
Smiley and Emoticon Challenge March 9 - March 14, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 
Grades 6-12
Celebrate Teen Tech Week and take the challenge. Identify the smileys and emoticons on the quiz sheet. One entry per person. A grand prize will be drawn from the entries with the most correct answers.

Kent Branch Library, 3101 Collingwood Blvd.
Teen Tech Week: Computer CafĂ© – Power Point (M) March 9, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Grades 6-12
Join us on our laptops, as we learn the basics of Microsoft Power Point while creating a stunning presentation that looks as if it were designed by a professional. Class size is limited to 20. Registration is required. 419.259.5283

Locke Branch Library, 703 Miami St.
Teen Tech Week March 9 - March 14, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Grades 5-12
Do you know what a punch card is? What about FORTRAN? Celebrate Teen Tech week by challenging yourself with our computer history quiz. Correct answers will be entered in a prize drawing.

Sanger Branch Library, 3030 W. Central Ave.
Teen Tech Week Survey (W) March 4, 6 - 7 p.m. Enlighten us on the latest and greatest trends in the tech world. Take the Tech Survey and take it to the Information Desk to trade for chocolate.

Sylvania Branch Library, 6749 Monroe St.
Press Play @ Your Library March 9 - March 14, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 
Grades 6-12
Think you’re tech-savvy? Find out during Teen Tech Week when you take our technology test. If you’ve got the right stuff, you could win a cool flash drive.

Main Library, 325 Michigan St.
Teen Tech Week - Books on Gadgets (M) March 9, 3 - 4 p.m.
Grades 6-12
Celebrate Teen Tech Week by sampling some of the latest technology we offer to share the love of reading! Explore the new facets of recorded books! Try out a Playaway title, see how easy it is to read an e-book or listen to one downloaded to a computer or personal listening device. It does make reading more fun!

For more details, please call 419.259.5297 

Toledo Tell Link

Monday, February 09, 2009

NWNUG- Brian Prince - Computing in the Clouds

Brian Prince will be discussing Microsoft Azure at the upcoming NWNUG meeing. On Feb. 17th starting at 6:00 PM at the HCR Manorcare Building in downtown Toledo. Azure is Microsoft's move into cloud computing joining the ranks of Amazon EC2 and Google's App Engine.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Sdudi LLC Coming to Town

Sdudi LLC, the creators of the Sdudi Smart Stick™ are moving to the Toledo area. They are joining the Clean and Alternative Energy Incubator at the University of Toledo. The Sdudi Smart Stick™ is a USB drive that you can plug into any PC and boot up into a Linux operating system. Basically you are carrying your desktop around with you, It includes software including Open Office software, GAIM, firefox, etc. They also have their own data center which you can store your data on the cloud, including video, pictures, and office documents.

They are going to be testing their product on several University of Toledo Students.

Link to a document explaining their product.
Link to the Blade article that brought this to my attention.

Engineers Week

Engineers Week is approaching. E-Week is represented nationally at This week is used to bring Engineering into the spotlight even for a week. This post may be a little late as far as registering to participate in the events but Engineers week is coming up. Here is a list of the scheduled events going on in Toledo.

Friday, Feb. 6
8:00 am – 3:00 pm UT* - JETS Competition
For NW Ohio Students

Saturday, Feb. 7
8:00 am – 2:00 pm MATHCOUNTS
UT College of Engineering, Nitschke Auditorium
Contact: Dan Stark – 419-720-2692 EMAIL: danstark at rlcos dot com

Sunday, Feb. 15
5:00 – 10:00 pm UT* - FAMILY NIGHT
UT Recreation Center
Sponsored by UT Alumni Engineering Affiliate (EAUT)
Contact: 419-530-2586

Monday, Feb. 16
Gladieux Meadows, Heatherdowns Blvd.
For High School & College students
Engineering Courtyard - Sponsored by Triangle Fraternity

Tuesday, Feb. 17
2:30 p.m. UT* - EGG DROP CONTEST
For High School & College students
Nitschke Hall/First Floor - Sponsored by Triangle Fraternity

Wednesday, Feb. 18
9:00 a.m. UT* - ENGINEER FOR A DAY
For High School Students
University of Toledo/College of Engineering
11:30 am –12:30 pm ENGINEER FOR A DAY LUNCH
First Floor—Nitschke Hall
Offsite at various corporate locations
FOR ADDITIONAL INFO: Contact – Sarah Rowland – 419-213-4557
EMAIL: efad.nwohio at gmail dot com

Thursday, Feb. 19
For High School Students
First Floor - Nitschke Hall - Sponsored by Society of Women Engineers
4:00 p.m UT* - EGG LAUNCHER
For High School Students
First Floor - Nitschke Hall - Sponsored by First Year Rocket Engineers
6:00 – 9:30 pm Engineers Week BANQUET
Gladieux Meadows, Heatherdowns Blvd.
Contact – Lisa Aller – 419-530-3436 EMAIL: tst at eng dot utoledo dot edu

Friday, Feb. 20
5:30 p.m. UT* - RUBE GOLDBERG
For Students of all ages-Teams from various UT organizations
Main Hall - Nitschke - Sponsored by Theta Tau

UT* activities are held at UT College of Engineering, Nitschke Hall.
Contact -- Jon Pawlecki PH: 419.530.8045 or jpawleckat eng dot utoledo dot edu

I'd like to thank the Technical Society of Toledo for providing the Schedule. Link

Luncheon with Suganit Systems Inc.

Praveen Paripati, president of SuGanit Systems Inc., Toledo, is the speaker
at the monthly luncheon meeting of the Technical Society of Toledo on Friday 2/6/2009. SuGanit Systems is working with The University of Toledo to develop cellulosic ethanol. Together they have several pending patents.

The luncheon begins at 11:45 a.m. in the Centennial Room of the Toledo Club. Reservations by Wednesday. Contact Lisa Aller at 419-530-3436 or at Cost: $20.

Friday, January 30, 2009

University of Toledo holds Saturday Morning Science Programs

The University of Toledo is holding a set of Saturday morning presentations to address common questions about science. This is a free event open to the public. Parking is free as well.

Here is the the snippet from their web site:
We will provide FREE light breakfast: coffee, milk, doughnuts... The event starts at 9:30 a.m. and runs until approximately 11:00 a.m.
Location: Bowman-Oddy Laboratories, Room 1059, University of Toledo main campus.
Parking: Lot 13 and west ramp parking garage, free to public (map).
Once more we will have local professors and researchers show you what science in general is all about. There will be tutorials, demos, hands-on activities, etc.. We promise it will be fun!!!

Jan. 31st:
Wind Farming: Making Energy is a Breeze
Kevin M. Maynard
Director of Utilities
City of Bowling Green, OH
Feb. 14th:
Flames, Flashes, and Foam: A Chemistry Demo Show
University of Toledo Student Affiliates of the American Chemical
Feb 28th:
Inflammation: Why is my Arm Turning Hot and Red?
Asst. Prof. Randall G. Worth
Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
University of Toledo
March 28th:
Fish: Choices and Issues for Consumers - The Good, the Bad,
and Maybe the Ugly
Prof. Joseph Regenstein
Dept. of Food Science
Cornell University
April 18th:
Aluminum: Its Early History in Ohio and How this Metal
Changed the World
Emeritus Prof. Norman Craig
Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Oberlin College
Organized by Prof. Joseph Schmidt, (Chemistry)

Official Link

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Toledo firm writes Iphone App

Local Web Development Firm Magnate Interactive, the same company that brought us  recently published an Iphone game named MASH (Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House) a game where you enter some information people, universities, etc...  and it randomly generates your future for you. 

This is the first company in the area that I know of that is producing Iphone apps and has gotten them published. This first game is very simple and I'm sure it was more of an experiment. The writter said that they are coming out with an update for the game and is awaiting approval. I am anxiously awaiting mor e news from this company and the creation of more apps. You can follow the creator on twitter at

You can get MASH for $0.99 via this Link to Itunes. You will need to own a Ipod Touch or Iphone with the 2.2 firmware to play. 

Monday, January 26, 2009

Technology Innovation Luncheon

Rocket Ventures is holding a Luncheon on March 5th at 11 AM - 1 PM for $20 at the Toledo Club with Dr. Tony  Dennis, President and CEO of BioOhio, an Economic Development group that accelerate bioscience industry, research, and education in Ohio.

Official Notice Link

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Third Frontier

I received this message through E-mail from the Toledo RGP. With a link to a form. This is for anyone who is interested in in applying for seed funding thought the Third Frontier program.

Please see attached a current summary of the open RFP's from the Third Frontier Program. There are two open RFP's:

1. Success and pre-Seed Fund Initiative (SPSFI)
2. Innovation Ohio Loan Fund (IOF)

The Ohio Research Commercialization Grant Program (ORCGP) is no longer accepting Letters of Intent. The Proposal due date is January 22, 2009.

For more information, please visit the website at

Best regards,

Tasha Hussain Black
Vice President Technology
Director Launch Program
Regional Growth Partnership
Building a High-Performance Economy
300 Madison Avenue, Suite 270
Toledo, Ohio 43604